Friday, 2 March 2012

A Teachear can make How to Improve Student Morale

I think that Student morale is an important part of the affective domain of education. The affective domain includes values, motivations, attitudes, stereotypes and feelings. Attending to the affective domain of education can significantly increase student involvement. Raising student morale is important to ensure that your classroom is a safe environment in which learning can take place. While it can be difficult to raise, or even identify,
So you can adopt certain habits that guarantee that you are attending to your students' emotional needs and allowing them to express themselves

Some Instructions folloing bellow:

Stept 1: Ask students to write down a goal or dream they have and one thing that is unique and special about them of which they are proud. Pass out slips on which the students can write this information.

Stept 2: Ask students to signal to you how their day is going by using a thumbs-up sign, thumbs-sideways sign or a thumbs-down sign. This will allow you to quickly see which students might struggle during this class and provide you the opportunity to prepare.

Stept 3: Cultivate autonomy in your classroom. Allow students to have some say in shaping the curriculum. This give them a sense of ownership over the class, which can raise morale.

Stept 4: Be encouraging at all times but also set clear boundaries. Allow students to know what the boundaries are explicitly.

If every parent flow this, they can make a perfect student.